The hardest part about this recipe is waiting for to cool before eating

• 25g (¼ cup) unsweetened cacao
• 60g (¼ cup) boiling water
• 150g semi sweet chocolate (about 50% cacao)
• 80g soft butter
• 50g (¼ cup) vegetable oil
• 80g sugar
• 80g brown sugar
• 1 egg
• 2 egg yolks
• 1½ tsp vanilla sugar or extract
• 100g flour
• ½ tsp salt
Other things you need:
Parchment paper or aluminum foil
Baking pan about 20×15 or 15×15 cm size. This recipe is made to produce a smaller but higher brownie. You can use a bigger pan but then the baking time might be off.
Preheat your oven to 175 °C
Take out a heat proof bowl or a saucepan and add in the cacao and boiling water. Mix it together. The hot water will enhance the flavour of the cacao. Chop up the chocolate into small pieces and add it into the bowl together with the oil and butter. Place the bowl/saucepan you are mixing in on top of a larger saucepan filled with simmering water. The heat from the water will gently melt all the ingredients together. Stir occasionally until the mix is smooth. Take it off the heat. Pour the mixture into a bowl if you previously were using a saucepan.
Add in the white and brown sugar and mix. The mixture will look a bit grainy but that is fine. Add the eggs and vanilla sugar/extract and mix it really well. You want it to look super smooth at this point.
Add the flour and salt. Mix carefully until all the flour is incorporated but when that is one really give it a good mix. The better you mix it at this point the more chewy the brownies will be.
Line your baking pan with parchment paper or aluminum foil. Pour in the batter and spread it evenly out in the pan. Place it in the middle of the oven and bake for 50 minutes. Keep in mind that this baking time is based on the size of your baking pan. If you use a bigger pan so the batter is thinner, the baking time will be shorter. When the brownies are done they should be crackling at the edges and the middle of the crust should be dry to touch but still a little bit jiggly.
Important: Let the brownies cool in the pan until it is chilled enough to touch. Then place them in the fridge to cool completely. This step is very important. The brownies will be runny and hard to cut before they have chilled, so you yourself the favour of waiting. Cut them into bite sized pieces and enjoy.
More info
This recipe is a slight adjustment of Claire Saffitz Forever Brownie. Check her out, she is fabulous. She also has a cookbook called Desert Person.